MASS BALANCEINSTRUCTIONS1.- Input your Raw Material Characteristics in the Product 1 box blanks: Hourly Quantity, Moisture and Oil content. If you have more that than one raw material use Product 2 and Product 3 boxes. Press Enter after each input. 2.- The Wet Product box shows the characteristics of the mixed product to dehydrate. This is a combination of products 1, 2 and 3 which composition percentages are shown in each box. 3.- Input the final product target Moisture in the Dry Product box. 4.- The Dehydrator box then shows the amount of water evaporated and the Dry Product box the amount and characteristics of the final product. 5.- You may change the Titles of all boxes to your own products. 6.- By clicking on the sheet selector at the bottom left corner of the window you can switch from Mass Balance to Performance window. 7.- The Selection box shows a dehydrator size option and its average evaporation rate. If more than one dehydrator is required it displays . 8.- The Performance box shows the operation parameters for the selected dehydrator under the given parameters. 9.- Input the cost of Electricity and your selected Fuel in the Energy Consumption box blanks to calculate the operational costs. Energy cost is not calculated for Non Standard situations. |
- The maximum recommended oil content in the Dry Product is 16%. If the final Oil content is above 14% you may require oil extraction or dilution. Contact us to find a suitable option. - The operation costs of all KIX dehydrators are very similar since the most relevant variable is the volume of water evaporated. This example only shows the situation for a KY4 dehydrator. Contact us to find the most suitable machine to suit your needs. |
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