It has been drawn to our attention that the price for Sand Eel-Fish meal produced by the KIX fluid bed, vacuum dehydrators situated at the Thyboren factory in Jutland, Denmark now sells to specialist aquaculture buyers for US$1,000 per tonne ex works.
Several reasons justify this irregular and expensive price for this fish meal. The most important factor is the higher digestibility ( often over 98 % ) due to the minimum thermal dynamic conditions of the processing. With this feature we also have the immediate evacuation of the material on losing its moisture after drying by vacuum.
The drying process itself can take less than 5 seconds.
Secondly we have the capacity of this product to incorporate 28 % soluble protein into the final meal.
When extruded it has a higher mechanical strength and functional protein binding capabilities that give open air pockets to be filled with a higher lipid absorption capacity than any other conventional fish meal.
This gives to this process a unique performance and makes the product the most expensive fish meal in the world aside from those manufactured in spray of freeze driers. (There exists a 2 points higher protein count)
It also needs to be noted that the KIX system already produces commercially the highest quality shrimp meal, blood meal. and a full range highly digestible meat meals. This event vindicates and establishes our theory that it is not just low temperatures that produce high quality meals but equally important is low exposure time. Further that to have a low temperature regimes for extended periods is as detrimental to the value of the meal as having high temperature.
All the laboratory trials in the world are no match for an end user based assessment reflected in dollars and we welcome this news as a step in optimizing what is becoming a scarce resource.
In this case when compared to today’s price of US$680 for South American super prime and we add European shipping cost the value of the KIX fluidized meal is commanding close a $250 per tonne premium
The KIX technology shall soon be further enhanced by being incorporated into a new system, developed by Canadian and Norwegian associates. This will produce even better results with improved control of ash and oil content in the final meal.